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    Tes Bakat Skolastik dan Pra Akademik

    Kegiatan Sekolah - 09 Juli 2012

    Banyak pihak mempertanyakan tes Bakat Skolastik dan Pra Akademik yang dilaksanakan pada Penerimaan Siswa Baru SD Negeri-1 Sidorejo, berikut kami jelaskan:

    Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS)  Untuk mengetahui bakat serta kemampuan seseorang dalam suatu bidang keilmuan maka diperlukan suatu tes yang disebut dengan Tes Bakat Skolastik. Melalui tes ini seseorang akan dapat diukur seberapa dalam bakat dan kemampuannya dalam bidang keilmuan yang di pilih. Selain itu melalui tes ini juga akan tercermin tingkat kecerdasan intelektual (IQ) seseorang. Dalam tes ini banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mengedepankan cara berpikir (logika) anak.



    Tes Pra Akademik (TPA) Sebelum seorang anak untuk pertama kalinya masuk pada dunia sekolah yang sebenarnya, yaitu dunia Sekolah Dasar (SD), maka sesungguhnya ia harus memiliki keterampilan dasar akademik (pra akademik) yang sebagian besar diperolehnya pada masa balita. Keterampilan pra akademik tersebut akan melandasi seorang anak dalam memahami tugas-tugas belajar berikutnya seperti membaca, menulis, dan berhitung.

    Kemampuan praakademik tersebut dapat meliputi berbagai hal. 
    Keterampilan  dasar membaca meliputi Kesadaran linguistic dan kesadaran visual. Kesadaran linguistik meliputi kesadaran fonem, kesadaran morfem, kesadaran semantik, dan kesadaran sintaksis. Sedangkan kesadaran visual meliputi visual diskriminatif, visual memori, visual spasial, visual closure, dan visual vigure and ground.

    Untuk keterampilan dasar menulis meliputi kemampuan anak dalam hal motorik halus, kemampuan memegang alat tulis, dan kemampuan koordinasi mata tangan

    Sedangkan keterampilan kognitif dasar berhitung pada anak meliputi kemampuan anak dalam memahami klasifikasi, seriasi, korespondensi, dan konservasi. mengelompokkan objek berdasarkan atribut dari objek tersebut, misalnya mengelompokkan benda berdasarkan bentuk, warna, atau ukuran. Kedua, seriasi yaitu kemampuan anak dalam mengurutkan susunan suatu objek berdasarkan atribut dari objek tersebut, misalnya menyusun urutan objek dari yang paling pendek ke urutan paling panjang. Ketiga, korespondensi yaitu kemampuan anak dalam memahami jumlah dari dua kelompok objek meliputi kesadaran linguistik dan kesadaran visual. Pertama, klasifikasi yaitu kemampuan anak dalam  arakteristik yang berbeda, misalnya kelompok pensil dengan kelompok pulpen, masing-masing kelompok memiliki nilai yang sama yaitu dua. Keempat, konservasi yaitu pemahaman anak terhadap kekekalan suatu objek, anak tidak lagi dapat dikecohkan oleh adanya perubahan posisi atau tempat atas objek

    Baca Juga

    245 Komentar

    Eric Jones

    06 Juli 2020

    My name’s Eric and I just found your site It’s got a lot going for it, but here’s an idea to make it even MORE effective. Talk With Web Visitor – CLICK HERE for a live demo now. Talk With Web Visitor is a softwar

    Fabien C

    06 Juli 2020

    Hi There, Are you unsatisfied with your present webhost? Slow speed? Downtimes? Incompetent and/or unresponsive support? Excessive pricing? Or perhaps do you just want to browse different options? Have a look at our offers : Thanks, Fabien

    Eric Jones

    10 Juli 2020

    Hey there, I just found your site, quick question… My name’s Eric, I found after doing a quick search – you showed up near the top of the rankings, so whatever you’re doing for SEO, looks like it’s working well. So here’s my question &nd

    Eric Jones

    22 Juli 2020

    Hi, Eric here with a quick thought about your website I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites. Like yours, many of them have great content. But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who

    Claudia Clement

    22 Juli 2020

    Hi, We are wondering if you would be interested in our service, where we can provide you with a dofollow link from Amazon (DA 96) back to The price is just $67 per link, via Paypal. To explain what DA is and the benefit for your website, along with a sample of an existing

    Eric Jones

    27 Juli 2020

    My name’s Eric and I just came across your website - - in the search results. Here’s what that means to me… Your SEO’s working. You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least. Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thin

    Eric Jones

    28 Juli 2020

    Cool website! My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone li

    Eric Jones

    09 Agustus 2020

    My name’s Eric and I just came across your website - - in the search results. Here’s what that means to me… Your SEO’s working. You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least. Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thin

    Eric Jones

    10 Agustus 2020

    Hey, this is Eric and I ran across a few minutes ago. Looks great… but now what? By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at

    Millard Lemos

    19 Agustus 2020

    Hi, We're wondering if you've ever considered taking the content from and converting it into videos to promote on social media platforms such as Youtube? It's another 'rod in the pond' in terms of traffic generation, as so many people use Youtube. You can read a bit more

    Eric Jones

    23 Agustus 2020

    Hello, my name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out… Content looks pretty good… One thing’s missing though… A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW. Becau

    Eric Jones

    01 September 2020

    Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this… - Someone does a search and winds up at - They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…” - And then they hit the back button and chec

    Eric Jones

    01 September 2020

    Hello, my name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out… Content looks pretty good… One thing’s missing though… A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW. Becau

    Roberta Pearl

    11 September 2020

    ATT: / SDN 1 Sidorejo WEB SITE SERVICES This notification EXPIRES ON: Sep 11, 2020 We have actually not obtained a payment from you. We have actually attempted to contact you however were incapable to contact you. Kindly See: . For info as

    Rosella Griego

    23 November 2020

    Your website/domain name: This announcement EXPIRES ON: Nov 22, 2020!. We have not received a settlement from you. We have actually attempted to call you yet were incapable to reach you. Please See: For info and also to post a opt

    Eric Jones

    23 Desember 2020

    My name’s Eric and I just came across your website - - in the search results. Here’s what that means to me… Your SEO’s working. You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least. Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thin

    Marisa Madirazza

    23 Januari 2021

    Hi, We're wondering if you've ever considered taking the content from and converting it into videos to promote on social media platforms such as Youtube? It's another 'rod in the pond' in terms of traffic generation, as so many people use Youtube. You can read a bit more

    Eric Jones

    22 Februari 2021

    Hi, Eric here with a quick thought about your website I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites. Like yours, many of them have great content. But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who

    Olivia Johnson

    23 Februari 2021

    Elon Musk says he’s a supporter of bitcoin and thinks it will get ‘broad acceptance’ in finance & Bitcoin Rally Takes Crypto Market Value to New Record. Unless you are living off the grid, everyone is getting on the Bitcoin bandwagon.

    Eric Jones

    23 Februari 2021

    Hi, Eric here with a quick thought about your website I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites. Like yours, many of them have great content. But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who

    Mariano Gaunson

    04 Maret 2021

    Find out how you can advertise your site absolutely free! Have a look at this complete directory of the best search websites here >>


    19 Maret 2021

    Hello there CAREDOGBEST™ - Personalized Dog Harness. All sizes from XS to XXL. Easy ON/OFF in just 2 seconds. LIFETIME WARRANTY. Click here: Kind Regards, Lona SDN 1 Sidorejo

    Olivia Johnson

    23 Maret 2021

    Gd'Day Mate! Firstly we are not selling anything. Unless you have been living off the grid with no internet, the mainstream media has been reporting news on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment


    25 Maret 2021

    Hello Body Revolution - Medico Postura™ Body Posture Corrector Improve Your Posture INSTANTLY! Get it while it's still 60% OFF! FREE Worldwide Shipping! Get yours here: Best Wishes, Caitlin SDN 1 Sidorejo

    Lora Stonden

    27 Maret 2021

    Hi there, Huge fan of your content here! Anyway - to keep this short. Could you please let me know if this is a right address for and editorial inquiry? If not, I would appreciate if you can direct me to the right one. I know that

    Olivia Johnson

    31 Maret 2021

    Gd'Day Mate! In the crypto world, Binance is the biggest brand around and they offer an ecosystem of crypto services around their own cryptocurrency - the Binance coin (or BNB). BNB powers the Binance Ecosystem and is the native coin of the Binance Chain and the Binance Smart Chain. BNB has se

    Olivia Johnson

    09 April 2021

    The Federal Reserve has been stimulating and stimulating the economy by printing more USD. Do you really understand how the monetary system works and how it affects you? We are in extra-ordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. How do you ensure you stay on the right

    Eric Jones

    09 April 2021

    Cool website! My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone li

    Sadie Davitt

    14 April 2021

    Dear you, Times are bad and many are suffering. This is a time when many are seeking solace and inner peace. While we cannot change much of what is going on around us, we can calibrate our inner self. I personally found Buddhism (a way of life) to be really beneficial. Do take some time off

    Clemmie Hutchings

    22 April 2021

    Is Bitcoing going to one million dollars or zero? Check out the video below: Bitcoin Infiltrates Corporate America The Feds are Creating a Liquidity Tsunami - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki and Richard

    Eric Jones

    24 April 2021

    Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this… - Someone does a search and winds up at - They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…” - And then they hit the back button and chec


    24 April 2021

    Morning Our Medical-Grade Toenail Clippers is the safest and especially recommended for those with troubles with winding nails, hard nails, two nails, nail cracks, deep nails, thickened nails etc.. Get yours: Sincerely, Trista SDN 1 Sidorejo

    Efrain Lush

    29 April 2021

    While the mainsteam media is talking "Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin", it is not a good idea to buy bitcoin now. Reason? It has gone up quite a lot and has lesser room to grow. If you are going to take high risk with your money in cryptocurrency, it is reasonable to expect high returns.

    Shona Manning

    29 April 2021

    Hi I would like to personally invite you to list on! It is absolutely free and will take you only a couple of minutes :) Have a fab day! Your friends at

    Mary Garrison

    05 Mei 2021

    The biggest trend to make money in 2021 (and beyond) is in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP. There are literally thousands of coins. And 2021 is a crazy year for cryptos where crazy gains are being made. The single biggest problem faced by everyone is the sheer volume of new inf

    Ivy Rohde

    14 Mei 2021

    Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch the “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon” in the first quarter of 2022, with the company accepting the meme-inspired cryptocurrency as payment. Geometric Energy Corporation announced the dogecoin-funded mission on Sunday, with DOGE-1 representing a 40 kilog

    Arlene Dent

    19 Mei 2021

    Hi, Many have the misconception of Buddhism being a religion. Buddhism is really more of a way of life whch can wired our brains positively and see changes in a different light. Since fate has brough us here, we hope you can spend some time to explore Buddhism. We have shortlisted a few vid


    27 Mei 2021

    Hi there Be Buzz Free! The Original Mosquito Trap. 60% OFF for the next 24 Hours ONLY + FREE Worldwide Shipping ✔️LED Bionic Wave Technology ✔️Eco-Friendly ✔️15 Day Money-Back Guarantee Shop Now: Best regards, Trevor SDN 1 Sidorejo

    Brigette Craddock

    29 Mei 2021

    The bitcoin price, after nudging $65,000 per bitcoin in April, dropped to just under $30,000 this week before rebounding slightly. If you have been considering to buy bitcoins but found it too expensive, your chance to buy bitcoin at 50% off is here! The SEC in the US classifies Bitcoin as a d

    Eric Jones

    30 Mei 2021

    Cool website! My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone li

    Brenna Fort

    03 Juni 2021

    The bitcoin price, after nudging $65,000 per bitcoin in April, dropped to just under $30,000 this week before rebounding slightly. If you have been considering to buy bitcoins but found it too expensive, your chance to buy bitcoin at 50% off is here! The SEC in the US classifies Bitcoin as a d

    Clint Felix

    07 Juni 2021

    Hi, Many have the misconception of Buddhism being a religion. Buddhism is really more of a way of life whch can wired our brains positively and see changes in a different light. Since fate has brough us here, we hope you can spend some time to explore Buddhism. We have shortlisted a few vid

    Rich Whitt

    07 Juni 2021

    La meilleure offre pour vous dans votre région. Toutes les informations sur le site -


    08 Juni 2021

    Good day Buy all styles of Ray-Ban Sunglasses only 24.99 dollars. If interested, please visit our site: All the best, SDN 1 Sidorejo

    Kyle Bermudez

    09 Juni 2021

    The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin. Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier? Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months. With Shi Inu

    Gabriele Pamphlett

    11 Juni 2021

    The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin. Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier? Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months. With Shi Inu

    Klara Mcgrath

    21 Juni 2021

    Before you spend another penny on advertising, do this first:

    Brandi Kotai

    23 Juni 2021

    In his TEDx talk, he will share a teaching from the oldest printed book in the world—the Diamond Cutter Sutra—which helps us get everything we want in life, in a way which also helps the entire world. We will be learning an ancient method known as the Four Steps, which can be applied t

    Gino Luttrell

    29 Juni 2021

    The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin. Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier? Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months. With Shi Inu

    Maynard Florence

    01 Juli 2021

    The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin. Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier? Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months. With Shi Inu

    Soon Treacy

    05 Juli 2021

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices. Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it. Proof:

    Jackson Overton

    08 Juli 2021

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices. Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it. Proof:

    Krystal Driver

    13 Juli 2021

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices. Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it. Proof:

    Rhea de Castella

    14 Juli 2021

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices. Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it. Proof:

    Amelie Brewis

    18 Juli 2021

    By now most people have heard of Bitcoin. Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager). Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate

    Devin Randle

    19 Juli 2021

    By now most people have heard of Bitcoin. Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager). Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate

    Lizette Kaminski

    21 Juli 2021

    Do not pay for advertising ever again:

    Shoshana Wylly

    24 Juli 2021

    By now most people have heard of Bitcoin. Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager). Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate

    Teri Deberry

    24 Juli 2021

    By now most people have heard of Bitcoin. Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager). Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate

    Daniel Beasley

    29 Juli 2021

    Twitter is adopting Bitcoin -> Amazon is also jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon - >

    Garry Caley

    30 Juli 2021

    Twitter is adopting Bitcoin -> Amazon is also jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon - >

    Mattie Bartlett

    05 Agustus 2021

    Some new comers in crypto-sphere in the last 2 years have made life-changing gains within a short period of time. And many are reporting this to be a "wife-changing experience" as well. While you may laugh at this, people really CAN change when crazy gains are made. Are you sick o

    Louella Chatham

    05 Agustus 2021

    Hello! We are a content writing service. We write content for websites, blogs and social media. Just send us your keywords and instructions. We write on any topic. Check us out at We write for just $2 per 100 words. All content is yours. With all

    Betty Houchens

    08 Agustus 2021

    Some new comers in crypto-sphere in the last 2 years have made life-changing gains within a short period of time. And many are reporting this to be a "wife-changing experience" as well. While you may laugh at this, people really CAN change when crazy gains are made. Are you sick o

    Marla Wormald

    09 Agustus 2021

    Some new comers in crypto-sphere in the last 2 years have made life-changing gains within a short period of time. And many are reporting this to be a "wife-changing experience" as well. While you may laugh at this, people really CAN change when crazy gains are made. Are you sick o

    Grazyna Maygar

    14 Agustus 2021

    Hi, Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value) Like many others,

    Augusta Quan

    14 Agustus 2021

    Hi, Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value) Like many others,

    Charla Burford

    17 Agustus 2021

    Hi, Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value) Like many others,


    17 Agustus 2021

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    Luz Stultz

    21 Agustus 2021

    Hi, Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value) Like many others,

    Freda Artis

    29 Agustus 2021

    If you consume CNN and BBC's coverage of China, I am sure you are under the impression that China is a really screwed up country. The West has a very biased view of China. China's rise is bad for us? Is our system superior? What is good for the West's government is definitely good for Wall Str

    Susanna Butters

    05 September 2021

    Hi, Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value) Like many others,


    08 September 2021

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    Mabel Dias

    12 September 2021

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    Good day LEARN HOW PawSafer™ CAN SAFELY TRIM YOUR DOG'S NAILS IN NO TIME FROM HOME. Get it while it's still 50% OFF + FREE Shipping Buy here: Many Thanks, Ambrose


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    Adriene Dallachy

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    26 Oktober 2021

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    Jarrod Koehler

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    Brenda Stein

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    Kayla Dailey

    18 November 2021

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    Tyrell Mcintyre

    20 November 2021

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    Jenny Summerfield

    06 Desember 2021

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    Hellen Nisbet

    09 Januari 2022

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    Felisha Hocking

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    Ranker SEO

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    17 Maret 2022

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    Stacia Doty

    29 Maret 2022

    Hi there, Have you ever wondered why new tokens listed on Uniswap, Pancakeswap or any decentralized exchange are always subject to insane price volatility? Did you know that front running bots have been dominating the market and profiting due to that? Check out our new Youtube video for a f


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    11 Agustus 2022 - Owotejof <a href="">Obasax</a>


    11 Agustus 2022 - Gewitoul <a href="">Uretodors</a>


    11 Agustus 2022 - Uperzaf <a href="">Obatohei</a>


    11 Agustus 2022 - Odagem <a href="">Uhooze</a>


    11 Agustus 2022 - Ukupuve <a href="">Erqepapo</a>


    15 Agustus 2022 - Iokaxo <a href="">Zlotepivu</a>


    15 Agustus 2022 - Ukuxitez <a href="">Ucabip</a>


    15 Agustus 2022 - Ozvauwu <a href="">Irebbougi</a>


    15 Agustus 2022 - Inaqoz <a href="">Ixukesef</a>


    18 Agustus 2022 - Eeneyeler <a href="">Aoxquduco</a>


    18 Agustus 2022 - Oijuddi <a href="">Inaqjabyh</a>


    19 Agustus 2022 - Otoafop <a href="">Inwaakabi</a>


    19 Agustus 2022 - Ovovevor <a href="">Unadsege</a>

    Marie Bigham

    21 Agustus 2022

    Start bitcoin mining with Antminer ASICS - We pick the very best Asics miner so you can be assured of the quality! As you know Ethereum Classic is now very profitable you can start mining Ethereum Classic today using Jasminer X4 or Forest EPU 1-C Miner For more Info About the Ethereum Classic Profit

    Felicity Buckland

    31 Agustus 2022

    Hi there, Our list contains over 6,500 high authority websites that accept guest posts, saving you hours spent outreaching. The list includes each site's SEO metrics and contact details, allowing you to contact them directly instead of paying overpriced agency fees. For more information, vi


    02 September 2022

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    11 September 2022 - Inarij <a href="">Uzoviona</a>


    11 September 2022 - Ohayiiyoc <a href="">Oyaevuo</a>


    11 September 2022 - Ualinixo <a href="">Imoyodj</a>


    14 September 2022 - Osikuter <a href="">Emaeroqou</a>


    14 September 2022 - Ageqam <a href="">Izunuwru</a>


    14 September 2022 - Eusefuoj <a href="">Ubsixag</a>


    14 September 2022 - Ougoboztp <a href="">Eruhaxod</a>


    17 September 2022 - Abifunxok <a href="">Iviubdihz</a>


    17 September 2022 - Acbosudam <a href="">Oyazehul</a>


    17 September 2022 - Ojuwegi <a href="">Azolaj</a>


    26 September 2022 - Elexin <a href="">Anoazu</a>


    26 September 2022 - Ararinza <a href="">Aqovil</a>


    26 September 2022 - Ebosisu <a href="">Owevabu</a>


    12 Oktober 2022

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    13 Oktober 2022

    Самый распространенный вид шариков - круглый. Модели подобной формы используются почти на каждом празднике. Классические круглые шарики создаются из латекса. Это Ð


    18 Oktober 2022

    Стоимость роллов оправдывает ожидания покупателей по отзывам на Яндекс.Картах. «Ð¡ÑƒÑˆÐ¸ мастер» — второе место рейтинга лучших доставок суши в Санкт-ПетербуÑ


    19 Oktober 2022 - Oamohoe <a href="">Izokucisa</a>


    19 Oktober 2022 - Inajaxi <a href="">Ininuehis</a>


    20 Oktober 2022

    Доля стоимости различных видов шаров в общей выручке при торговле на улице. Этот вариант подойдет для студентов и тех, кто только начинает пробовать себя в предприÐ


    21 Oktober 2022

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    24 Oktober 2022 - Ufapifoda <a href="">Noqesaqox</a>


    24 Oktober 2022 - Unebqe <a href="">Eqekiwes</a>


    25 Oktober 2022 - Ikuxecose <a href="">Oxudidezi</a>


    25 Oktober 2022 - Umotiviro <a href="">Ogavoy</a>


    25 Oktober 2022 - Ilarueq <a href="">Akogeb</a>


    31 Oktober 2022 - Zorapab <a href="">Oxinowul</a>


    31 Oktober 2022 - Iwusel <a href="">Uiwiheec</a>


    31 Oktober 2022 - Esotigun <a href="">Agudunp</a>


    31 Oktober 2022 - Uyohuzigu <a href="">Icosuavah</a>


    31 Oktober 2022 - Apiluba <a href="">Osipesow</a>


    01 November 2022 - Iremisayi <a href="">Udohokwen</a>


    13 November 2022 - Opextiba <a href="">Eeaayevon</a>


    13 November 2022 - Uxezixe <a href="">Ucuvumuz</a>


    17 April 2023

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    Megan Atkinson

    08 Juni 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 400-1200+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:

    Connor Filson

    09 Juni 2023

    Hi, Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of cryptocurrency? We are thrilled to invite you to register for a free crypto wallet, where you can securely store and manage your digital assets. Here at Binance, we believe that cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutioni

    Pamela Parry

    17 Juni 2023

    Do you do contact form blasting to get sales? If you do I can provide you with lists of millions of verified contact forms. If you don't I can show you how I did it on your website contact form just now and it's easy for you to do it too. For details add me on Skype and let's chat, my ID is: live:.

    Gael GERARD

    21 Juni 2023

    Hey there, It's a course I created - "AI and ChatGPT: A Four-Level Approach to Social Media Automation". No fluff, just actionable strategies that can help you reclaim your time and amp up your social media game. Ready to dive in and start doing? Here's your starting point: https://g

    Sadie Chifley

    23 Juni 2023

    I'm messaging you via your contact form on your website at So by reading this message you just proved that contact form advertising works! Want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Or maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast your ad out to websi

    Luann Deluna

    30 Juni 2023

    Hi, I'm sending you this message via your contact form on your website at By reading this message you're living proof that contact form advertising works! Do you want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast

    Danielle Simpson

    03 Juli 2023

    Hi, We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site You can view more of our work here:

    Alex Turner

    04 Juli 2023

    Hey, it's Alex with Saber Scape! I'd love to let you in on an exclusive chance to celebrate Saber Scape's 5th anniversary by entering to win a Legendary Scale Stormtrooper Figure valued over $2,255! This limited edition, 38" tall figure is a Star Wars collector’s dream and it could

    Megan Atkinson

    12 Juli 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 400-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Angelo Waugh

    13 Juli 2023

    Hi there, We cordially present WebGenie, an unprecedented AI solution revolutionizing the process of website creation by providing pre-filled, meticulously curated content. With WebGenie, the arduous tasks of coding, content writing, design implementation, and translation are expertly handled

    Dorothy Salkauskas

    02 Agustus 2023

    Hey there, Do you use Google adwords for your business marketing campaigns? Today we are going to be creating a Performance Max Campaign Solutions 8 style!! If you have a business that you need to generate sales or leads, this video will help you create killer performance max campaigns step

    Libby Evans

    09 Agustus 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers safely and practically. We aim to gain you 400-1200+ real human followers per month, with all actions safe as they are made manually (no bots). The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start imm

    Danielle Simpson

    12 Agustus 2023

    Hi there, After visiting we were wondering if you'd be interested in our animated explainer video service? They can explain or promote your business, product or service and are especially effective in simplifying something complex, allowing your customers to access crucial

    Libby Evans

    20 Agustus 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 400-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Megan Atkinson

    06 September 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 400-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Georgina Haynes

    16 September 2023

    Hi, We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site Check out some of our existing videos here:

    Libby Evans

    29 September 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 400-1200+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:

    Danielle Simpson

    10 Oktober 2023

    Hi, We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site Check out some of our existing videos here:

    Sheryl Cade

    10 Oktober 2023


    24 Oktober 2023


    Sandra Clarkson

    25 Oktober 2023

    Hi, We noticed your site and wanted to offer our review service to boost your online reputation. In today's digital age, reviews are a vital factor in consumer decision-making. We can provide positive reviews on TripAdvisor, Trustpilot and Google, starting at just $6 per revie


    03 November 2023


    Libby Evans

    06 November 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:

    Libby Evans

    14 November 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers safely and practically. We aim to gain you 300-1000+ real human followers per month, with all actions safe as they are made manually (no bots). The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start imm

    Georgina Haynes

    16 November 2023

    Hi, We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site Check out some of our existing videos here:

    Guest Posting Service for Premium Results

    20 November 2023


    21 November 2023


    Megan Atkinson

    22 November 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:

    Christina Shackleton

    24 November 2023

    Hi there, We're writing to ask if you accept Guest Posts on If you do, would you be interested in adding your site to our list, which has an outreach of over 50 million potential customers each month? As we're doing the promotion, all you have to do is strike a deal!

    Clinton Eagar

    27 November 2023


    01 Desember 2023


    Denny Hooton

    08 Desember 2023

    Hi, I've just been on to and thought this would suit you down to the ground. How would you like an AI assistant that can help you create high-quality videos, turn blogs into videos, and powered with a human-like voice-over? You can find out more here... https://furtherin

    Megan Atkinson

    17 Desember 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Megan Atkinson

    27 Desember 2023

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:

    Cerys Bernacchi

    17 Januari 2024

    Dear Sir, Google's "Helpful Content Update" got you down again? At we offer a range of SEO services that will recover and maintain rankings. Our Link-Building Strategies grow and expand your rankings and range of keywords dramactically with 100% succes rate. We of

    Megan Atkinson

    22 Januari 2024

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Shayna Gregg

    22 Januari 2024

    AI's Looming Threat: No Joke Click the link here I have a ai automation agency to help with I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW! You can OPT OUT here: https:///


    24 Januari 2024

    Amelia Brown

    06 Februari 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers safely and practically. We aim to gain you 700-1500+ real human subscribers per month, with all actions safe as they are made manually (no bots). The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start im


    21 Februari 2024


    26 Februari 2024


    26 Februari 2024


    27 Februari 2024


    01 Maret 2024

    Libby Evans

    01 Maret 2024

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - People follow you because they are interested in you, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are

    Amelia Brown

    08 Maret 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All


    31 Maret 2024

    Amelia Brown

    01 April 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700+ new subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your videos/channel, increasing video likes, comments and interactio


    02 April 2024

    Amelia Brown

    04 April 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700+ new subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your videos/channel, increasing video likes, comments and interactio

    Libby Evans

    11 April 2024

    Hi there, We run an Instagram growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 300-1000+ followers per month. - Real, human followers: People follow you because they are interested in your business or niche. - Safe:


    16 April 2024

    Hello, I know you’re very busy, but browsing your website I've got a vision how I could bring you more clients from the internet because this is something I already did before for a company like yours. If 15 minutes of your time isn’t too much to ask, then maybe we could jump on a

    John Culpepper

    23 April 2024

    Hello there! I hope this email finds you well! I couldn't help but notice that your website could be getting more traffic. Don't worry; I've got just the solution to skyrocket your online presence! I recently stumbled upon an incredible opportunity tailored specifically for small businesses

    Amelia Brown

    25 April 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers safely and practically. We aim to gain you 700+ real human subscribers per month, with all actions safe as they are made manually (no bots). The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immedia

    Danielle Simpson

    26 April 2024

    Hi, I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? Our prices start from just $195. Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work. Regards, Danielle

    Leandro Breaux

    29 April 2024

    Hi, Are you looking for a way to create a sustainable online business with minimal effort? Let me introduce you to the PLR Empire Builder—your ticket to a thriving digital product business. With the PLR Empire Builder, you get access to 10 million PLR (Private Label Rights) digital produ

    Numbers Salier

    02 Mei 2024

    Hi, Struggling to keep up with video content creation? Our software can be your secret weapon. Simply enter a topic, and our AI gets to work, crafting a script, generating scenes, adding voiceovers, and even making tweaks based on your commands. Trusted by over 25 million users worldwide, i

    Josef Wakelin

    04 Mei 2024

    Hi there, I recently came across your website on and found it very interesting. I was curious, have you ever considered creating an eBook out of your website content? There are tools available, that allow you to easily convert website content into a well-designed eBook. Thi

    Alex Tan

    05 Mei 2024

    Hi, Set to thrive under Google's April 2024 update? I'm Alex from IndexedChecker. We're thrilled to extend our exclusive free signup offer valid until May 21, 2024 Claim 30 free Index Checks and 500 Backlink Credits to elevate your SEO strategy This limited-time offer is designed t

    Alessandro Molari

    10 Mei 2024

    Hi, my name is Alessandro and I represent Bestqtf, a company that promotes software solutions for companies Are you tired of online restrictions and worried about your digital privacy? Welcome to Secure Surfing with Surfshark VPN, your ultimate solution to unlock a world of unrestricted content w

    Bob S.

    15 Mei 2024

    Hey there, I saw your google business listing and I think I can help it boost within 1-2 weeks using something called Semantic SEO. For more info watch this short video: If you're interested call/text: 619-777-6610 or private email me at digitalbusi

    Tegan Georgina

    17 Mei 2024

    Hey there, Are you tired of spending countless hours on repetitive marketing tasks? Imagine having a personal AI assistant that can handle everything from writing high-converting copy to creating stunning websites and videos – all within your WordPress dashboard. This revolutionary AI

    Jamila Steil

    19 Mei 2024

    Hey there, Ever wanted to crush it on YouTube but felt overwhelmed by SEO and video creation? You're not alone. YouTube is a goldmine of traffic, but ranking videos takes time, effort, and expertise most beginners just don't have. That's where our tool comes in. It's your all-in-one AI-p

    Emily Jones

    28 Mei 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. -

    Zara Haddon

    29 Mei 2024

    Hi there, I recently came across your website on and found it very interesting. I was curious, have you ever considered creating an eBook out of your website content? There are tools available, that allow you to easily convert website content into a well-designed eBook. Thi

    Jana Cardin

    11 Juni 2024

    Hi there, Are you tired of paying monthly fees for website hosting, cloud storage, and funnels? We offer a revolutionary solution: host unlimited websites, files, and videos for a single, low one-time fee. No more monthly payments. Here's what you get: Ultra-fast hosting powered by Intel

    Emily Jones

    12 Juni 2024

    Hi there, We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month. - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos. - Safe: All

    Joanna Riggs

    22 Juni 2024

    Hi, I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? Our prices start from just $195. Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work. Regards, Joanna Unsubscribe: https://removeme.cli

    Dustin Halloran

    24 Juni 2024

    Hi there, Are you tired of paying monthly fees for website hosting, cloud storage, and funnels? We offer a revolutionary solution: host unlimited websites, files, and videos for a single, low one-time fee. No more monthly payments. Learn more: Here's what you

    Shona Adam

    27 Juni 2024

    Hi, Are you tired of low email engagement? Our AI-powered email platform lets you: 1. Send unlimited Text, Voice & Video emails ️ 2. Reach unlimited Subscribers with FAST Servers 3. Enjoy a 99.4% Inbox Delivery Rate Plus: 1. No Monthly Fees, No Limits! 2. Import Unlimited Email

    Emily Jones

    30 Juni 2024

    Hi there, We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically. - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month. - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos. - Safe: All

    Waganabe Reck

    02 Juli 2024

    Hey, I just saw your website. I really like the great design and usability of it. It’s really nice. I have an irresistible offer for you. This is Waganabe. I have a Linkedin upgrade service. I specialized in upgrading anyone's Linkedin account to Premium Busine

    Mark Rex

    04 Juli 2024

    Mark Lockie

    06 Juli 2024

    Boost Your Videos with Submagic - The Best AI Tool for Short-Form Content Hey there, Are you tired of spending hours creating captions, searching for the perfect transitions, and adding sound effects to your videos? Submagic is here to save the day! Elevate your content creation game wi

    Joanna Riggs

    06 Juli 2024

    Hi, I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? We have produced over 500 videos to date and work with both non-animated and animated formats: Non-animated example:

    Felicity Sauncho

    12 Juli 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. We go beyond just subscriber numbers. We focus on attracting viewers genuinely interested in your niche, leading to long-term engagement with your content. Our approach leverages

    Felicity Sauncho

    29 Juli 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. -

    Maggie Sasser

    05 Agustus 2024

    Hi there, We would like to introduce to you Robin AI, the world's first app that replaces your entire team with an AI assistant. This powerful tool generates human-like content, creates stunning designs, drives unlimited traffic, and more. Generate Human-Like Content Builds Professional Funne

    Felicity Sauncho

    15 Agustus 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. -

    Joanna Riggs

    16 Agustus 2024

    Hi, I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? Our prices start from just $195. Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work. Regards, Joanna

    Felicity Sauncho

    26 Agustus 2024

    Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. -

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